Introducing our very own ……….

Midwest Vets have put together something very special for our senior citizen pets of Midwest Vets to ensure they are as happy and healthy as can be 🙂

We have included all the important tests and diagnostics within the promotion in one very affordable price with over $200 worth of savings!!

What’s included:
Consultation – A 20 minute head to tail physical examination with one of our Vets.
Comprehensive Blood Screening: To identify any infection, inflammation, or possible chronic diseases.
Urine Analysis: To assess for bladder or urinary infections and test for early signs of kidney disease
Cancer Screening*: Checking of any lumps and bumps.

PLUS – A bonza goodie bag full of treats, toys, and information for you and your furry mate to enjoy 🙂

****** Our canine friends $249 ******* Our feline friends $199 ******


Give your Golden Oldie the gift of good health and let them age gracefully.

Call Midwest Veterinary Centre now to secure your appointment on 99643 671.